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Importing Bank Statements

Author: admin 621 views

To import transactions, select the Import button and follow the steps in the import process.

  1. First you will need to download a CSV file of the transactions you wish to import from your online banking.
  2. Choose from existing bank accounts or credit cards already added, or add a new bank or credit card account.
  3. Image Image
  4. Download the three sample CSV files. In order to import the CSV file successfully, you must compare your downloaded bank CSV file with the sample files and choose the sample file format that matches your bank’s format. You can make adjustments in your CSV file if needed.
  5. Image
  6. Upload the CSV file. Click on the file upload section, browse and select the file or drag and drop.
  7. Select the Amount Column Type that matches your file
  8. After the file has been uploaded, click on the Next button to proceed.