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This guide will instruct you through the process for preparing the individual tax return, including rolling over from previous financial years, prefilling from the ATO and legislation changes. 

Note: This guide is applicable from the 2021 financial year onwards. 

The individual tax return is divided into two sections: main form and tax estimate. The main form is mandatory to complete and the tax estimate will display your tax payable or refund which is auto calculated from the information entered in the tax return form.

These are the options for completing a tax return.

1. Purchase digital ID and verify → Find an agent and send engagement request → Link to an agent → Prefill information and create report → Pay and submit.
2. Purchase digital ID → Select financial year DIY option → Create report  → Pay and submit →  Find an agent and engage.
3. Select the financial year DIY option → Create report → Pay and submit. (This option submits the ITR form globally for HubeX tax agents to respond to).
4. Select financial year DIY option → Create report → Find an agent → Pay and submit (This option submits the ITR form to a previously linked tax agent).

The main form contains the following sections:

1. Income
2. Deductions
3. Others
4. Declaration