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Adding New Transactions

Author: admin 553 views

You can add transactions in two ways:

  1. Use the +Add button to add transactions manually.
  2. Import transactions from bank statements using the Import button.
Selecting the +Add button opens the Add Transaction details at the right of the screen. Add details of the transaction and save.
Subcategory is a required field. Hubex provides a default list of subcategories and you can add your own subcategories.

Each transaction added manually should relate to an asset or liability account that already exists in Hubex. Spend money transactions require a Paid Through account. This is the account that you paid for the transaction from.

Receive money transactions require a Received Through account. This is the account that money was paid into.

Using Subcategories

A subcategory within a transaction is used to classify the transaction. Hubex has default categories and subcategories which you can use to label the transactions.

The subcategory can also be edited by clicking on the subcategory in the transaction list and selecting the category and then the subcategory.

Edit the default subcategory and description and other details if required, then Save.

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