A business can add services by selecting + New Service button. This redirects to the Create Service page.
Provide the details of your business service including the type of services provided and select Next.
Business: Select the business that is offering the service.
Service Type: Select the kind of service that your business provides.
Enter the Service Details. These are fields the user will be able to view in the Agent Details.
Service Title: Enter a title for your service.
Service Description: Enter details about your business and the services you provide to promote your business.
Keywords: Enter keyword tags to make your business easily searchable. Type a keyword of your choice and Enter to save the keyword. Repeat and enter all relevant search terms for your service.
Select Next to review the business information. Add the business logo and other images if desired, for example, a headshot of the tax agent providing the services. Enter the TPB registered tax agent number.
Select Next to proceed to Pricing.
Select Next to proceed to Availability Message. This allows you to set your business availability and customise a message which will be sent to individuals once they have requested your service.
Select Finish to save the service. Once saved, the service listing can be viewed in the My Services overview and is listed as Unpublished.