HubeX content and review policy

Any review or content posting on HubeX, you agree to abide by this policy. We reserve the right to remove any content or review, in whole or part, that violates this policy, our Terms of Service, our Community Standards, or for any other reason at our sole discretion.

In the event of repeated or severe violations, we may suspend or permanently deactivate the account(s) in question.

You can report the content directly or contact us to report content that appears to violate this policy.

The following content is never allowed on HubeX:

  • Review and or content created solely for the purpose of advertising or other commercial content, including company logos, links, or company names
  • Spam, unwanted contact, or content that is shared repeatedly in a disruptive manner
  • Review and or content that endorses or promotes illegal or harmful activity, or that is sexually explicit, violent, graphic, threatening, or harassing
  • Content or review that is discriminatory (review our Anti-Discrimination Policy for more info)
  • Attempts to impersonate another person, account, or entity, including a representative of HubeX
  • Content or review that is illegal or that violates another person’s or entity’s rights, including intellectual property rights and privacy rights

The following are policy violations specific to a type of the content or review:

Service Listing Titles

  • Service Listing titles that include information irrelevant to the service listing type or experience
  • Service Listing titles that include symbols or emojis

Service Listing or profile pages

  • Listings and profiles that provide fraudulent, false, misleading, or deceptive information


Learn more about HubeX’s Review Policy and biased and exhibit indications of extortion/incentivisation, conflicts of interest or direct competition.

  • Reviews that contain no relevant information about the service service provider memberor experience will be removed. Reviews that contain mostly irrelevant information are also subject to removal but only where the otherwise relevant information would not be expected to meaningfully inform the service request decisions of other community members.

HubeX's Review Policy

In order to build a platform of trust, we need to ensure that reviews on HubeX are useful, informative, and do not expose our community to harm. Therefore, HubeX expects that all reviews adhere to the following:

Reviews should not violate our content policy.

Some content is never allowed on Hubex.

Reviews should be unbiased.

Reviews are most helpful when they provide unbiased information. Therefore, we don't allow individuals or entities who own or are affiliated with a listing or experience to post reviews of their business, nor do we allow individuals who are confirmed to offer competing listings or experiences to post reviews of their direct competitors.

You are not allowed to incentivise positive reviews, to use the threat of a negative review to manipulate a desired outcome, or to influence another’s review with the promise of compensation.

You are also not allowed to accept fake reservations in exchange for a positive review, use a second account to leave yourself a review, or coordinate with business partners to get positive reviews.

Reviews should be relevant.

Keep your reviews relevant to HubeX and your experience with the service provider. Other service providers and members are reading your reviews to learn about the service provider and service listing. Reviews that are off-topic are distracting and don’t help our members make informed about the sService rRequests and Service Bookings.. For this reason, reviews should focus on your interactions with other community members and your service experience.

To keep reviews relevant, we recommend avoiding the following:

  • Commentary about a person’s social, political or religious views
  • Profanity, name calling, and assumptions about a person’s character or personality
  • Content that refers to circumstances entirely outside of another’s control
  • Content about services not related to services available from HubeX Service Providers as per their service listing

When we receive a report of a review that violates this policy, we may remove the review from our platform. Repeated violations may lead to suspension or permanent deactivation of responsible account(s).

Reporting a review that violates this policy

To report a review for violating HubeX’s review policy, contact us.

If you feel a review is untrue

While we encourage and expect all community members to post reviews that contain objective and accurate information, HubeX does not mediate disputes concerning truth or fairness. We expect the author of the review to stand behind the content of their review.