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Adding Tax Deductible Classification to a Tra

You can add to a transaction that it is tax deductible. Once the transaction has

Adding Tags

Tags can be added to each transaction by editing the transaction and entering the tag

Categorising Transactions Using Rules

By default, all transactions are listed as Uncategorised. Categorisation can be set up within rules

Mapping Fields in the CSV File

The fields in your CSV file must match the fields in Hubex. Check the suggested

Importing Bank Statements

To import transactions, select the Import button and follow the steps in the import process.

Downloading Transactions

By selecting the Download button, all transactions will be downloaded as a zip file which

Searching Transactions Using Filters

Filters are used to narrow down search parameters within transactions. The transactions can be filtered

My Money Income, Expenses and Net Amount Widg

The widgets at the top of the My Money screen display your total income, total

Transaction Dates

You cannot enter future-dated transactions as the software doesn’t allow it. You can add current