Knowledge Base

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My Linked Agents

The agents with whom the individual user has completed engagements are termed linked agents.  Once

Details of the Tax Agent Linked to My Service

Checking the Details of the Tax Agent Linked to My Service Request      

Consumed Services

Viewing My Goal History and My Goal Contribut

My Goal History is the complete log of all contributions added to your goal, showing

Searching Goals using Filters

Filters are used to narrow down search parameters within goals. The goals can be filtered

Adding Contributions to Goals

After adding a goal, you can add contributions to your goal by opening the goal

Deleting Goals

You can delete goals by selecting the delete button on the right side of your

Tracking Goals Progress

A progress bar is attached to each goal, so you can see the progress of

DIY Divination

Adding Tax Deductible Classification to a Tra

You can add to a transaction that it is tax deductible. Once the transaction has